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A best Guide for the Coffee Roasting Process in 2022

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If you’re reading this article, you’ve probably grown tired of the stale pickings at your local supermarket and are intrigued by the idea of roasting your own coffee beans. We have some good news: It’s easier than it looks! In fact, it’s not much more difficult to roast a batch of coffee beans than it is to prepare a pot. All you need is a source of heat, some green (unroasted) coffee beans, and a few basic supplies. Plus, since coffee roasting requires trial and error, you’ll have plenty of time to master your craft while enjoying the fruits (or rather the beans) of your labor.

Coffee Roasting

Coffee roasting is the process of heating coffee beans in order to bring out their flavor. It is the most important step in the process of making coffee and can be done at home, but it is a time-consuming process.

Know Your Roasts

  • The process of home roasting coffee beans can be broken down into several distinct phases.
  • During the first phase, which lasts about 10 minutes, the temperature of the beans increases from about 225°F to 425°F (107°C–218°C). This is called “first crack,” and it occurs at around 5 minutes in. You will hear a cracking sound when this happens—this is normal! The color of the beans changes from greenish-gray to yellowish-brown as they roast during first crack.
  • At this point, you might notice that your roaster has switched from stirring constantly to rotating only every couple of stirs; it’s still important to rotate frequently so that all parts get an even roast by the end of first crack (15–20 minutes).

Light Roasts

Light roasts are produced when the coffee beans are roasted for a short time. The beans will be light brown in color and have a milder flavor than dark roasts.

Light roasts are generally used in espresso because they produce a smoother, sweeter cup of coffee. Also, light roasts have less caffeine than darker roasts, so they’re usually preferred by people who enjoy drinking coffee but don’t want too much caffeine.

In drip coffee, the brew tends to taste too bitter if you use dark roast coffee beans because the acidity of your coffee maker’s water can overpower any sweetness or smoothness that might come from using lighter-roasted blends. On the other hand, French press brewing works best with dark-roast grounds because there isn’t any water being added to dilute them during extraction–this means that even though French press machines require more effort (you need to manually press down on some sort of plunger), you still get all those wonderful flavors from your ground beans!

Medium Roasts

This is a roast that falls in the middle of the spectrum. It’s darker than light roast, but lighter than dark roast. Medium roasts are often used is espresso coffee, and many people like it because it has an almost nutty flavor.

Medium Dark and Dark Roasts

Medium dark and dark roasts are the darkest of all of the roasts. The beans are roasted longer and at a higher temperature than medium roasts, and they’re less oily. Because of this, medium dark and dark roasts have a more robust flavor than lighter roasts, with notes of chocolate or fruit.

What You Need for Coffee Roasting

  • Coffee roaster. This is the machine that will roast your coffee beans, the process which transforms raw green coffee into a delicious dark roasted, aromatic beverage. Some people use popcorn poppers or waffle irons to roast their own coffee at home, but this isn’t recommended because they are not designed for high heat and may not produce an optimum roast quality.
  • Oven: You’ll need an oven big enough to fit your roaster in—you don’t want it stuck inside all day! A baking sheet can help prevent spills on your countertop if you have one available, but otherwise just make sure you have plenty of space for it on the stovetop near where you usually cook food in your kitchen so that no smoke gets away from its source before it’s finished (you’ll thank us later).
  • Thermometer: A good digital thermometer with probe attachment makes monitoring temperature readings during roasting much easier than trying to stick an instant-read thermometer into moving beans would be! The best ones will measure both ambient temperature as well as internal bean temperatures without being damaged by high heat levels either way; look for something with stainless steel probes instead of plastic ones because they’re more durable against repeated washing cycles without losing accuracy over time due to oxidation buildup caused by exposure

Cooling and Storage

Once your beans have been roasted, you’ll need to cool them. Cooling the beans will stop the roasting process and allow for easier storage. Beans that are still warm can be stored in an airtight container for up to one week. If beans are allowed to cool down completely before being placed in an airtight container, they can be stored for up to two weeks.

In order to maintain its freshness, it’s important not only that you store coffee properly but also that you keep it away from moisture and heat (which could make the coffee stale). It is recommended that roasted coffee be kept in an airtight glass jar with a tight-fitting lid so that its flavors aren’t absorbed by other things around it.

Key Takeaway

Coffee roasting is an art form, and like any art form it requires patience, practice and a few simple tools. The process can be intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll be surprised by the range of flavors available from your home roaster.

From light to dark roasts there are endless combinations of flavor profiles to explore. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned veteran in the world of coffee roasting, our guide will provide all the information you need to get started on your journey towards making delicious cups at home.


At the end of the day, coffee roasting is an art form as well as a science. It’s a passion that is shared by millions around the world. But in order to be a successful master of this art, you must have patience, discipline and commitment to detail. While it may seem like a lot of work at first, once you get the hang of it and start seeing results, there will be no turning back!

Read More: Calgary Coffee Roasters You Must Visit in 2022 best

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